A Smashing Blog to Read

Because the call me Smashley

Decisions, decisions — June 10, 2008
Protected: Bad news first — March 5, 2007
TMI: Too much Internet — September 13, 2006

TMI: Too much Internet

My friend Rob emailed me (while we were on the phone, natch) a link to a widget that searches amazon.com for album images and imports it into iTunes. The latest version of iTunes (7) also automatically updates album art for you, too. So I have spent the bulk of my day off fiddling with album art in iTunes. I don’t know why I get so OCD about album art and grammar in song titles, but I do. Like, if one place an artist says “Jars Of Clay,” I am compelled to go through and change them all to “Jars of Clay.” I had an album title “The 11th Hour” that had to be changed to “The Eleventh Hour” because that’s what it says on the album cover.

I’m going to link to the Amazon Album Art widget even though I know the person who will most likely share in my OCD need for tidy iTunes is a PC user because they have an online version just for you!

And now I’m going to eat lunch and get off the damn computer!

The Tao of Smash — June 6, 2005

The Tao of Smash

One of my new widgets is a daily excerpt from Tao Te Ching. Today’s excerpt includes some good advice:

In dwelling, live close to the ground.
In thinking, keep to the simple.
In conflict, be fair and generous.
In governing, don’t try to control.
In work, do what you enjoy.
In family life, be completely present.

How happy would I be if I could be fair and generous, don’t try to control, do what I enjoy, and be completely present?

I also see on my weather widget that today’s forecast calls for thunderstorms. Yesterday, a storm woke me up at 6:30 a.m., and I could never get back to sleep. I had one of those lack-of-sleep headaches all damn day. Since I’ve been awake for an hour and a half already, I’m ready and waiting for the thunderstorm!

I’m not sure what about Summer storms I love so much–I guess the novelty of darkness, with only supernatural-seeming flashes of light slicing the sky, while the sun is still somewhere overhead. The idea that a band of weather can separate the Earth from the sun is a little exciting to me. The rhythm of the rain, even when it’s a little spooky, is soothing. Probably because I’ve just written this prose of love about thunderstorms means that we won’t have one.

Now that I think about it, this weather widget hasn’t been right once since I’ve gotten it. As for example, the forecast on it puts the highs in the 80s. Yesterday, it was easily 90 degrees. I think it’s already 80 degrees today, and weather widget says that today’s high is 84. I break up with you, weather widget! I know of a toolbar weather program for OS X, and I’m off to download it straight away!

Widgets and docks and weather, oh my! — May 30, 2005

Widgets and docks and weather, oh my!

Yesterday I installed Tiger on my glorious Mac Mini. I’m not done playing with all my widgets, but my current choices include my DirecTV schedule, this here LiveJournal post widget, and a dictionary/thesaurus! My friend showed me how to use OS X’s built-in dictionary feature–you mouse over any word in any program and the definition pops up–but I can’t remember the macro now.

My friend also told me about a company that put a web page on a Mac OS X server, turned off all security and firewalls, and offered $26,000 to the first person who could alter the page and put it back up on their server. No one could do it. Suddenly, I feel much better about P2P information sharing!

I saw Serenity Thursday night. It was fun! And that’s all I’m ever going to say about it. For those of you who must wait until the Fall, please, please, please don’t read anything about the movie. First of all, it’s not done yet, so anything anyone says is based on a different movie that what you’ll see in September. Second, take this time to get out your Firefly DVDs and convert as many people as you can with the liberal sharing of them.

LOVE! — April 7, 2005